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AHRQ Measures

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) develops and maintains various measures to assess the quality, safety, and effectiveness of healthcare services. These measures include the Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs), Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQIs), Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs), and Pediatric Quality Indicators (PDIs). They are used by healthcare providers, policymakers, and researchers to identify issues, monitor progress, and compare performance to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs.

The PQIs are available now in The Tuva Project.

Prevention Quality Indicators

The Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs) are a set of measures developed by AHRQ that focus on ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, which are health issues that can often be effectively managed or prevented through timely and appropriate primary care interventions.

PQIs Summary

To summarize and view the various location of encounters that qualify for each PQI measure, we can start with the summary table below:

Summary Encounters
select *
from ahrq_measures.pqi_summary
Summary by Name and Description

We can aggregate across years and join in the name and description of each measure.

  select p.data_source
, p.pqi_number
, m.pqi_name
, m.pqi_description
, sum(num_count) as pqi_encounters
from ahrq_measures.pqi_rate p
left join ahrq_measures._value_set_pqi_measures m on p.pqi_number = m.pqi_number
group by
, p.pqi_number
, m.pqi_name
, m.pqi_description
order by pqi_encounters desc
Summary by Facility

To view the number of PQIs at each facility in our claims dataset, we can group the summary table by facility.

  select p.data_source
, p.facility_npi
, count(*) as pqi_encounters_count
from ahrq_measures.pqi_summary p
left join core.location l on p.facility_npi = l.npi
group by
, p.facility_npi
order by pqi_encounters_count desc

PQIs by Rate

When calculated as a rate, PQIs are typically calculated per 100,000 population in a metropolitan area or county. When used on a claims dataset, it can be helpful to view the rates per 100,000 members instead. The numerator and denominator for each measure and year is precalculated as shown below.

select *
from ahrq_measures.pqi_rate
Aggregate by Rate

If you would like to aggregate the rate to a different level, we can use the numerator and denominator tables and calculate the rate.

with num as (
, year_number
, pqi_number
, count(encounter_id) as num_count
from ahrq_measures.pqi_num_long
group by
, year_number
, pqi_number

, denom as (
, year_number
, pqi_number
, count(patient_id) as denom_count
from ahrq_measures.pqi_denom_long
group by
, year_number
, pqi_number

, d.year_number
, d.pqi_number
, d.denom_count
, coalesce(num.num_count, 0) as num_count
, coalesce(num.num_count, 0) / d.denom_count * 100000 as rate_per_100_thousand
from denom as d
left join num
on d.pqi_number = num.pqi_number
and d.year_number = num.year_number
and d.data_source = num.data_source
order by d.data_source
, d.year_number
, d.pqi_number


Each of the PQI measures has a list of codes that exclude a encounter from a the measure. These codes are summarized in value sets which can be queried as well.

Exclusion Value Sets

To view the list of value sets that are excluded in each of the measures, we can query the value set table.

select distinct value_set_name
, pqi_number
from ahrq_measures._value_set_pqi
order by pqi_number
Exclusions by PQI Number

To summarize the number of encounters excluded by each measure, use the code below. Note that if in encounter was excluded in this logic it does not necessarily mean that it would have been in the numerator, just that it is excluded regardless of whether or not the encounter qualified for each measure.

  select data_source
, pqi_number
, count(*) as excluded_encounters
from ahrq_measures.pqi_exclusion_long
group by data_source
, pqi_number
order by pqi_number